FloydHub has shut down

FloydHub - our ML platform used by thousands of Data Scientists and AI enthusiasts was shut down on August 20, 2021.

FloydHub has shut down
FloydHub was shutdown at 5:00pm Pacific Time on Friday, August 20, 2021. All users were previously notified and were transitioned out of the service by this date.

Founder's Note

We started FloydHub in 2016 because we were passionate about helping everyone build amazing and impactful AI applications. So we set out to build a productivity platform for data scientists, like Heroku had done for web developers. Over the next 5 years, we had the honor of supporting over a hundred thousand users train their AI models on FloydHub.

The AI market is still in its nascency and we faced several challenges. We worked very hard to make FloydHub successful. But, in spite of our efforts and enthusiastic usage by many of you, we couldn't build a sustainable business. After considerable thought, we've decided to shutdown FloydHub.

We continue to be huge cheerleaders of AI - the technology, the community and the amazing applications you all continue to build. We're grateful for the opportunity to have played a small part in this revolution. We are sad to say goodbye, but we're excited to see what the future holds for us all.

Until next time,
Sai & Naren

PS: We plan to keep this blog alive as it has valuable content all folks building AI applications. But we will not be adding new posts in the future.